Sarah Eberhard-Bölz, M.Sc.

Research Assistant

Sarah Eberhard-Bölz is a doctoral student and a research assistant at the Department of Media Research and Media Use, University of Hohenheim (Germany). She received her Bachelor of Science (2014) and Master of Science (2017) in Psychology at the University of Ulm. Her Master's studies focused on Health Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Neuroscience. The master thesis was titled "Forgiving sexual infidelity in romantic relationships. Effects of context, behavior, and personality."
Sarah’s current research interests lie in the selection, reception, and effects of Video-On-Demand-series. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the long-term effects of watching a series intensely via Video-On-Demand-platforms. She is teaching research methods and data analysis for bachelor students. She also supervised two Humboldt-reloaded-projects in 2019 and 2020, one of them together with her colleague Lena Steinle. For both projects, Sarah received an honor award for "highly committed project supervisor".



Eberhard-Bölz, S., Steinle, L., Hepperle, D. & Vogelgesang, J. (2020, January 23-25). Die Rolle der Situation bei der Suche nach Gratifikationen: Ergebnisse einer Experience-Sampling-Studie zur Video-On-Demand-Nutzung. DGPuK – FG Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung. Würzburg, Germany.

Eberhard-Bölz, S. (2021, September 8-10). The Affective and Cognitive Echo of Cumulative Series Reception: A Qualitative Study. 12th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society (DGPs). Aachen, Germany.

Eberhard-Bölz, S. (2022, February 22-24). Vorstellung des Promotionsprojektes: Kognitive und affektive Effekte regelmäßiger sowie zeitintensiver Rezeption von Serien über Video-on-Demand-Portale. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Hannover, Germany, hybrid conference. 

Eberhard-Bölz, S. (2022, May 26-31). Cumulative Series Reception Aka Binge-Watching – A Popular Term in Need of Reevaluation. 72st Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). Paris, France, hybrid conference.




University of Hohenheim
Department of Communication Science, i.p. Media Research and Media Use (540 A)
D-70593 Stuttgart
Germany Tel: (0711) 459-23108