Andreas Reich


Research Assistant


University of Hohenheim 
Department of Communication Science, i.p. Media Research and Media Use (540 A) 
D-70593 Stuttgart 

Fruwirthstraße 49 - Raum 0.14
70599 Stuttgart


Consultation hours: upon agreement, registration via e-mail  


Media Award Faculty DM – July 2021
Furtwangen University
For his master thesis which deals with the automation of programming, especially the program
synthesis of node trees Andreas received the media award of the faculty DM.

Master Award Faculty DM - January 2020
Furtwangen University
Andreas implemented an AR-supported smart mirror, which was created as part of the interaction
design course. Hairdresser visitors can look at themselves in a real mirror and can put on different
hairstyles via AR. The mirror application as well as the corresponding mobile app and the network
communication between both apps were implemented and designed by Andreas.


Wölfel, M.; Shirzad, M.B.; Reich, A.; Anderer, K. (2023) Knowledge-Based and Generative-AI-Driven Pedagogical Conversational Agents: A Comparative Study of Grice’s Cooperative Principles and Trust. 

Tobias Schrimpf; Jan Dvorak; Andreas Reich; Jens Vogelgesang (2023) Aus dem Channel, auf die Straße! Wie die Querdenken-Bewegung ihren Protest auf Telegram organisiert – eine quantitative Netzwerkanalyse

Trong Nghia Hoang; Andreas Reich; Matthias Wölfel (2022) The First Impression Counts! The Importance of Onboarding for Educational Chatbots

Reich, Andreas; Lasowski, Ruxandra (2021) Towards generating complex programs represented as
node-trees with reinforcement learning

Reich, Andreas (2021) Automatic Program Synthesis By Generating Node- Trees Using Artificial Neural Networks

Reviewer activities

EAI ArtsIT – Arts and Technology Conference