Astrid Jansen, M.A.
Research Assistant
![]() | Astrid Jansen is a research assistant and PhD student at the Department of Media Research and Media Use, University of Hohenheim (Germany). In her master's thesis at the University of Hohenheim, she used a holistic and qualitative approach to investigate the decision-making process of bedtime procrastination with media. Previously, she completed her bachelor's degree in communication science at the University of Münster. In this context, she also did an exchange semester at the Université Jean Moulin II. Her research interests are in the areas of media usage and sleep, media usage in everyday life & motivational psychological approaches to media usage. |
University of Hohenheim
Department of Communication Science, i.p. Media Research and Media Use (540 A)
Fruwirthstraße 49 - room 0.16
D-70593 Stuttgart
Tel: (0711) 459-24475
Consultation hours are available by appointment via email.
Jansen, A.,& Vogelgesang, J. (2021). Nutzung des Mobiltelefons beim Zubettgehen und Einschlafen. Media Perspektiven, 8, 411–421.
Klingelhöfer, J., Jansen, A., & Vogelgesang, J. (2024, 16.-19. September). (Not) one more glance at my phone before I sleep: Effects of self-regulation of smartphone use on sleep displacement and arousal. 53. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Wien, Austria.
Jansen, A. (2024, 16.-19. September). Mobile Media Use and Sleep: A Systematic Literature Review. 53. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs). Wien, Austria.
Braun, M., Heintz, L., Jansen, A., Scharkow, M., & Trepte, S. (2024,12.-14. Juni). Diversity-X: A research program to assess and address gender diversity in communication science [Poster Presentation]. Gender Diversity Across Europe Devising Solutions from Interdisciplinary & Intersectoral Perspectives. Bern, Switzerland.
Jansen, A. & Trepte, S. (2024, 13.-15. März). Wer wird in der DACH-Kommunikationswissenschaft publiziert, wer wird zitiert? Eine scientometrische Analyse des Gender-Citation und -Publication Gaps. 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). Erfurt, Germany.
Jansen, A., & Trepte, S. (6.-8. September 2023). Oh Boy!? Publication and Citation Gaps Among Male and Female Communication Researchers in the DACH region. 13th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society (DGPs). Esch an der Alzette, Luxembourg.
Jansen, A. (28. Mai 2023). Mobile Media Use and Sleep – a Systematic Review. Annual meeting of the International Association of Communication (ICA) 2023. Toronto, Canada.
Forray, E., Jansen, A., Mangold, F., & Vogelgesang, J. (19. Mai 2023). Changes in mothers' media use and repertoires over time. Annual conference of the specialist group on reception and effects research (DGPuK) 2023. Bremen, Germany.
Trepte, S., Scharkow, M., & Jansen, A. (18. Mai 2023). Publication diversity working group - Diversity and visibility in DACH communication studies. Working group at the annual conference of the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK) 2023. Bremen, Germany.
Jansen, A. (20. Januar 2023). Good times, bad times? Positive and negative experiences with social media before going to sleep - a qualitative study. Annual conference of the specialist group on reception and impact research (DGPuK) 2023. Augsburg, Germany.
Jansen, A. (8.-9. Juni 2022).Mobile media use and sleep: a systematic review on the influence of mobile media use on different sleep parameters. Annual conference of the specialist group for reception and effects research (DGPuK) 2022. Düsseldorf, Germany.
Jansen, A. (21.-22. April 2022).Mobile Media Use and Sleep – a Systematic Review. Annual conference of the Swiss Society for Communication and Media Studies (SGKM) 2022. Zurich, Switzerland.
Jansen, A. (24. Februar 2022).Dissertation project -Smartphone use and sleep quality. Annual conference of the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK) 2022. fresh faces panel. Online conference.
Jansen, A. (8.-10. September 2021). Late-night Media Use and Bedtime Procrastination: How People Decide Not to Go to Sleep and Use Media Instead. 12th Conference of the Media Psychology Section of the German Psychological Society (DGPs). Aachen, Germany.
- Doctoral Scholarship of the County's Graduate Funding - Ministry of Science and the Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Inclusion in the Dean's List - University of Hohenheim Summer Term 2018
- Research methods project